What Is Kyanite? FAQs and Facts About This Gemstone

If you are a gemstone enthusiast, you may have come across the word Kyanite. So what is Kyanite? What are the facts about kyanite stone? Well, lucky for you, this article will answer those questions!

What is Kyanite?

Kyanite is a mineral found in many colors, including blue and green. Kyanite is rare in occurrence as a gemstone and is also known as disthene, blue barium aluminum silicate, cyanite, etc. It is found in Brazil, Canada, India, and Russia. This stone is a favorite among many crystal enthusiasts because it makes beautiful jewelry that can look similar to a moonstone. Let’s explore more about this stone.

Origin of the name- Kyanite

The name Kyanite comes from the Greek word for dark blue, ‘kyanos.’

According to Forbes.com

“German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817), who published one of the first manuals for identifying minerals, adopted the name as the crystals of this mineral display a characteristic sky-blue to deep blue color. Previously the mineral was known as blue talc, as it is relatively soft, or lamellar beryl due to the appearance of the elongated crystals. French naturalist and mineralogist Horace-Bénédict de Saussure  (1740-1799) classified it even as sapphire.”

This stone is typically found in high-pressure rocks. In India and Nepal, Kyanite production is very high. Other countries with Kyanite mines include Brazil, Kenya, Switzerland, Myanmar, and the United States. Several techniques are used to extract this gem, but the most important is hand.

Kyanite Shapes and Forms

Most of the time, Kyanite is found as a small crystal or mineral in nature. The crystals can be very large or very small, but most of them are small to medium-sized crystals that are no more than two inches long and one inch wide. Kyanite also occurs primarily as bladed crystals.

Colors of Kyanite

The color can vary from blue to purple to white or transparent, depending on the type of Kyanite you have found. The different colors are all caused by impurities or trace elements. The color difference is due to iron, cobalt, and nickel. The different colors are:

1. Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite is the most common color of Kyanite, and it comes in shades ranging from pale to deep blue and even violet. The stone gets its name after its blue form. Some people say they see flashes of gold or green when they look at these blue kyanite stones up close.

2. Green Kyanite

Green kyanites occur naturally but not as often as blue ones. Green Kyanite is said to have healing properties similar to those of other green stones like malachite and jade. Green Kyanite connects with the inner soul and is said to help with emotional problems and anxiety issues.

3. Orange Kyanite

Orange Kyanite has an intense orange hue caused by manganese’s presence. If you’re looking for orange Kyanite, look for pieces that have bright red streaks running through them, as this indicates its high manganese content. It’s also worth noting that not all orange Kyanite is created equal — some stones are more yellow than others which may mean lower manganese content.

4. Indigo Kyanite

Indigo Kyanite gets its name from its deep blue color, which comes from cobalt impurities within the stone. This coloring makes indigo kyanite very sought-after amongst collectors as it is considered one of the rarer colors found in nature. Indigo kyanite was first discovered near Mount Apo in Mindanao, Philippines but has since been found in other places worldwide, including Canada and Australia.

5. Black Kyanite

Black Kyanite has iron and manganese impurities; it’s usually brownish-black with dark streaks. Black Kyanite is rare and expensive and costs at least $1,000 per carat. The energy of black Kyanite helps you release negative emotions from past experiences to move forward without feeling weighed down by negativity from others or yourself. It can also help you connect with your inner wisdom to make better decisions for yourself and others around you.

6. Ruby Kyanite

It has chromium impurities; it’s usually pinkish-red to deep red with black or grey streaks. It is also rare and expensive like its black counterpart. This stone is known for its ability to attract prosperity into your life while also helping you manifest what it is that you want into your reality.

Properties of Kyanite stone

  • Kyanite has a hardness of 5-6 on the Mohs scale and a specific gravity of 2.68. It is not a very durable stone and can chip or scratch easily. It’s often confused with lapis lazuli, which is also blue.
  • Kyanite occurs in high-pressure rocks. It is found in igneous rocks (rocks formed by cooling magma), metamorphic rocks (rocks formed by extreme changes in temperature and pressure), pegmatites (a type of rock rich in rare minerals), and hydrothermal veins (a vein of hot water running through rock).
  • Kyanite is a complex aluminum silicate mineral with the chemical formula AlSiO4. Its crystal system is hexagonal, and it can be most commonly found in metamorphic rock such as gneiss and schist.
  • Kyanite is an interesting mineral with some unique properties. One of those properties is its ability to move heat quickly. If you have ever felt a piece of Kyanite while wearing gloves on a cold day, you will notice its warmth despite being cold to the touch. This heat transfer property is useful in many industries, including fiber optics and electronics manufacturing industries, where components need to be kept cool.
  • Kyanite is a gemstone that is a very versatile stone and can be used in many different ways.

What is Kyanite used for?

Kyanite is a versatile gemstone compared to other gems, with many different properties and characteristics. It is primarily used as an ornamental stone, but it also has many practical uses. Let us examine them in detail.

1. Use as a component in Different Industries etc.

This mineral is used in several industries and various products. It is an essential component in making porcelain, glasses, pottery, electronics, and even the construction industry. It is used in construction projects that require strength and durability, such as roadways and sidewalks.

Large heaters are frequently used to produce solid materials like slabs and howitzers. Scorching steel molds are often done with kaolin in manufacturing plants. It is an excellent heat-resistant material that can be used in goods for automotive, rail, and other sectors. It is used to make friction materials and brake footwear. It is a type of porcelain used for tub faucets, bathroom faucets, and dentures. Due to its heat resistance, it is ideal as an element in mills and cutting machines.

2. Use as an Ornamental Stone

The primary use of kyanite crystals is an ornamental stone used in jewelry making. It is also used in making various other items, such as bowls and vases, but its most popular use is to make jewelry, such as necklaces and earrings.

Wearing kyanite jewelry allows one to see the world more clearly. The wearers of Kyanite are said to be shielded against negative energy. These stones contain mystical powers and transmit energy capable of blocking all hostile forces from entering or affecting their users. The stone’s life force can clear blocked energies, fill energy gaps and increase self-esteem for everyone who wears it.

3. Healing properties

Kyanite crystals have been used for thousands of years by many different cultures worldwide for their healing properties. Ancient civilizations used kyanite beads as amulets to ward off evil spirits, protect travelers from mishaps, increase fertility, and ensure safe childbirth. This stone has also often been used as talismans that bring good luck and prosperity to their owners.

Kyanite crystal is known to have healing properties because it blocks the effects of negative energies from damaging a person’s psychological and spiritual aspects. As a stone of good relations, it also establishes close relationships between the bearer and surroundings. 

a. Feelings and emotional healing

 Kyanite is linked to two positive emotions: joy and excitement, as well as preventing feelings of dismay, confusion, and fear. Kyanite is also believed to have emotional benefits, as it promotes a pleasant mood in the user and the bearer. The stones can promote positive energy flow since they do not absorb energy. The mineral Kyanite boosts the healing effects on emotions.

b. Body

The kyanite gemstone looks excellent and has powerful physical healing properties for your body and spirit. It is a natural pain reliever. In addition to its ability to boost regeneration, it is beneficial for treating various diseases, including pain and injuries. It is believed to have a unique energy source that aids in pain relief.

Slowly rub the stone on the affected area to transfer the essential therapeutic powers to the patient. The stone is also a great relaxant. Kyanite is a complex and rare stone with calm properties, making it an ideal gem for meditation. The calming energy it produces reduces stress in the body.

Kyanite helps treat disorders of the blood, bones, teeth, and muscular conditions like arthritis. It may also help with insomnia due to its soothing energy. Kyanite can be used to heal a damaged heart as it is linked to the heart chakra. It can also help lower blood pressure.

c. Spirit

As its blue color demonstrates its strong connection with spirit guides. People associate it with solid yang energy and a positive energy flow that gives a calming effect to the bearer. A third eye awakening stone is sought by people who want to communicate with unidentified people.

The fluidity of Kyanite makes it an essential spiritual stone, and that is why kyanite fragments are often found in amulets and talismans. It is known to enhance the psychic ability of the bearer.

4. Use in Zodiac as a Birthstone

Kyanite is not the traditional birthstone for any of the zodiac signs. Its colors can be considered the natural birthstone of different birth months and zodiac signs, i.e., Pisces, Aquarius, and Taurus.

  • While Pisceans tend to be pragmatic and stoic, they can sometimes be stubborn, and the blue crystals will assist them in communicating clearly and understanding others.
  • Indigo Kyanite is for the Aquarius and helps gain wisdom, truth, dignity, and spiritual mastery.
  • Lastly, Green Kyanite is the natural birthstone of the Taurus zodiac and promotes renewal, success, and good health.

5. People and Relationships

The relaxing qualities of Kyanite make it an excellent gemstone for protecting relationships, and it is often considered a crucial component of relationships. Sometimes people have a hard time communicating with others and creating better relations. If the flame has gone, Kyanite can use its excess heat to restore the bond and improve a person’s happiness.

It can be used to help settle disputes and repair damaged relationships. Accordingly, Kyanite promotes respect for others. The skill can be beneficial in negotiation and diplomatic work between disharmonious people and facilitate the exchange of energies in resonance and common ground. Kyanite bridges the gap between belief and ideas at work and encourages individuals to express their feelings. Keep Kyanite with you while in meetings.

6. Use of Kyanite to balance the Chakras

Kyanite is a crystal that’s great for balancing all the chakras, especially the third eye chakra, throat chakra, and heart chakra. It also has a strong ability to release negativity and help you find your inner peace. It will help you achieve a balance between your physical body and your energetic body to live an authentic life following your true purpose.

7. Use of Kyanite for Meditation

Kyanite is an excellent stone to use for meditation, as it can help you connect to your higher self and get in touch with your spiritual side. Kyanite helps create a calm, tranquil atmosphere. Kyanite can also help calm anxiety, stress, anger, and fear by allowing you to see the bigger picture of what’s happening in your life.

8. Use of Kyanite as a Soothing Crystal

When your mind sees anything dark, Kyanite shines as a beacon to guide you toward sanity and calms your mind. Kyanite is a soothing crystal whose purpose is to heal the mind. It is most useful for people with mental stress, anxiety, and illness. Fluid energy provides a rejuvenating feeling that envelopes the physical body with a revitalizing sensation. It promotes a good mentality and fosters a sense of humor in people.

9. Kyanite Crystal Therapies

Kyanite absorbs the negative energies and is considered a growth crystal as a treatment option. It produces a feeling of energy and calmness. This balance of vitality and energy promotes healthier habits and a positive attitude. Feng shui specifies that Kyanite should be placed at the entryway of the house to attract wealth, health, and a pleasant atmosphere.

10. Use of Kyanite to promote Self-Confidence

Kyanite can help with communication issues, including shyness and stage fright. It’s also good for helping those confused about their purpose in life or their place. Kyanite can help bring clarity of thought and promote self-confidence.

11. As a Gift

Kyanite makes an excellent gift for someone who needs help focusing or releasing stress because its calming effect can help them relax and unwind after a long day at work or school. It’s also a good choice if someone has been feeling down lately because it encourages positive thoughts and feelings instead of dwelling on negative ones.

FAQs about Kyanite

1. Is Kyanite a precious stone?

Kyanite is not a precious stone. It is a trendy and unique semi-precious stone available in beautiful colors and patterns. It is also used as an ornamental stone and is commonly used in jewelry and other products.

2. Is Kyanite worth anything?

If you’re thinking of buying Kyanite, you may want to know its worth. The simple answer is that the price depends on where you get it, what size stone you buy, and the stone’s color.

If you buy a small piece from your local rock shop or mineral show, it will probably cost around $10 to $20. A larger piece might go for $100 or more.

Buying kyanite can be tricky because so many different quality grades are available. Blue Kyanites are more common and may cost less than orange Kyanite or black Kyanite. Ruby gems are the rarest and costliest and can cost $1000 per carat.

Gems certified by an expert gemologist at GIA (Gemological Institute of America) are sold for very high prices.

3. What does the kyanite stone symbolize?

Kyanite is a colorful stone that is known for its powerful energies. The most common colors of Kyanite are blue or green, although some rarer specimens may have more than one color. Kyanite is associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and expression.

Kyanite symbolizes:

  • Communication and self-expression,
  • Truthfulness and honesty,
  • Compassion.

4. What is Kyanite’s Metaphysical Properties?

Kyanite is a powerful healing stone that works on the third eye chakra, heart chakra, and throat chakra. It has numerous metaphysical properties.

Using the third eye chakra for clear vision, personal exploration, and developing spiritual and psychic powers is possible. Integrating Kyanite into your system strengthens your intuition and strengths neural pathways. This stone can help reactivate dreams and memories. It can induce healing dreams.

By placing Kyanite crystals on the forehead, you can reminisce about your youth. By aligning the chakras, the kyanite crystal gives you youthful energy and ensures deep relaxation of the body and mind.

This crystal can help restore your throat chakra and unlock blocked energies. To facilitate self-expression, put deep blue Kyanite on your throat chakra. It helps us explore and discover all aspects of our identity, as Kyanite encourages us to examine all aspects of ourselves.

5. How to clean these stones?

To maintain the luminous healing energy of your kyanite stones, you must keep them hydrated and crystal clear. It keeps the moods pure and does not impede other crystals from functioning. Kyanite does not attract negative energy if it is kept clean.

It is effortless to clean your Kyanite, so it feels pure by holding it under fresh running water and using a little natural soap.

You can charge the Kyanite stone by placing it into a bowl made of natural materials – stone or wood and then submerging it in water for some time.

6. What are the side effects of Kyanite?

The side effects of Kyanite are minimal and include the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions can occur if you are allergic to any of the components in Kyanite, particularly aluminum, and titanium. If you have a metal allergy, it is best to avoid wearing jewelry that contains it.

In some cases, people have reported allergic contact dermatitis from wearing jewelry containing titanium or aluminum. If this happens to you, discontinue use immediately and see a doctor if it gets worse. In most cases, these skin rashes resolve when the wearer removes the necklace or other jewelry and does not return once they are gone.


In summary, Kyanite is a beautiful gemstone found in many different locations around the world. It is also available in various cuts, colors, and sizes.

Kyanite benefits us in numerous ways. Because of its psychic abilities can be programmed to meet our needs if we set our intentions. Just imagine and feel your goal, hold it in your hand, and repeat it as a mantra. Kyanite can be used to balance and unblock your chakras. It will also assist in aligning your energy with the universal divine source, and it is a stone that will encourage you to focus on your higher purpose.

Get a hold of this unique stone, attributed to prosperity and good luck, which helps to stabilize the aura and strengthen the grounding process.

Another fascinating gemstone is Moss Agate, and you can read more about it here.